NDIS Plan Management

No worries and no confusion with DFM Financial by your side


The process begins once an eligible participant requests to receive specific supports or services and resources are available to fulfil those services. The onboard process is important as it helps set the standard for clear communication with the participant (and their representative). DFM maintains professional customer service throughout this process to promote customer satisfaction.


  • A completed and signed service agreement is required before services can start.
  • All required assessments and plans should be in place ideally within three months of the participant commencing services.
Download Service Agreement

Initial Meeting

We discuss with the participant / representative of the participant their plans, goals and requirements. We inform the participant how the onboard process works and the steps involved. We also provide the participant with an introduction pack which includes the Complaints Policy, Privacy Policy.

We explain and ensure that the participant / representative of the participant –

  • Knows what agreed supports or services will be provided
  • Is aware of their rights and responsibilities as the receiver of agreed supports or services
  • Is aware of our rights and responsibilities as a provider of agreed supports or services
  • Knows that (with their consent) their personal information will be recorded and stored in order to provide services

We explain the need for and obtain the participant’s –

  • Consent to share their personal information
  • Consent for us to contact the NDIA regarding the participant
  • Consent for us to contact previous service providers or other current service providers for background information (if relevant)
  • Date of birth and NDIS participant number

We take the time to understand the participant’s:

  • Individual goals and aspirations
  • Individual needs and barriers
  • Values, beliefs and cultural needs

Ongoing support

We are here for you throughout your whole NDIS Plan journey.

Ongoing services we provide:

  • Activate the Participant’s Plan on the MyPlace Portal
  • Receive invoices from Support Providers
  • Check invoices for correctness of line items and prices against the Participant’s Plan
  • Claim moneys from the NDIA
  • Make payments promptly to the Participant’s Service Providers and generally within 7-10 days
  • Track spending and NDIS budgets
  • Send out monthly statements by the best method for the Participant – email or mail
  • Provide expert advice on the NDIS
  • A mobile app is also available for use by Participants

There are no out-of-pocket or extra expenses to the Participant if Plan management is included in your NDIS Plan. The NDIA provides funding in a Participant’s Plan to pay for Plan Management

We provide personalised service from a dedicated and experienced team of Plan Managers and have offices and support across Australia.

Provider No 4050068973

DFM Financial ensures we protect and handle personal information in accordance with the NDIS and relevant privacy legislation. We acknowledge an individual’s right to privacy while recognising that personal information is required to be collected, maintained and administered in order to provide a safe working environment and a high standard of quality.

The information we collect is used to provide services to participants in a safe and health environment with individual requirements, to meet duty of care obligations, to initial appropriate referrals and to conduct business activities to support those services.